Business name: Feljas et Masson France
ZI des Touches - 56, bd Denis Papin
BP 20636
53006 Laval
Tel.: +33 (0)2 43 59 13 40

Originally the firm Louis FELJAS, FELJAS & MASSON was created in 1962 after Louis FELJAS went into partnership with Henri MASSON, an engineering graduate from a leading French engineering university, the École Supérieure d'Électricité.
In 1969, after going through a difficult financial spell, the company was bought by T.D.V. (Textile du Vermandois). Henri MASSON stayed on as company director. In 1983, the companies SONEPAR (Distribution of electrical equipment) and C.F.A.O (international commerce) acquired a stake in Feljas & Masson, alongside T.D.V., thus bolstering the company's position. In 1988, SONEPAR became the main shareholder taking over C.F.A.O.'s participation. 
The same year, Henri MASSON, founding director, stepped down after naming Henri COISNE as the new CEO and after buying back the company's REDIP division  (assembly of electrical control cabinets) from T.D.V. 
Since then, FELJAS & MASSON has continued to reinforce its international development while also expanding its French operations.
Over 50 people are employed at the Laval Head Office, where FELJAS & MASSON's French and global operations are centralized. Here, feasibility studies and project design are carried out. The site houses a 500 m² prefabrication welding  shop particularly for prefabricating piping systems. FELJAS & MASSON LAVAL also has a storage area of 1000 m² which centralizes the shipment of all equipment for worksites in France and abroad, and also houses an equipment test area of 300 m².


Workforce: 60


  • France: Eau de Paris, Town of Laval
  • International (where no F&M offices): Burkina Faso, Afghanistan


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