- Replace the 2 shearing valves UV5 and UV6 on the suction and discharge lines respectively;
- Replace the recirculating pipe by ND 300 mm;
- Replace the 3 electro-pump units with unit capacitance of 600 m³/h - 55 m;
- Replace the pipes and fittings of the surge control tank of 6 m³;
- Upgrade the station's overall flow metering system by replacing the meters on the 2 discharge pipes with electromagnetic flowmeters, installing a flowmeter on the recirculating pipe and on the MASGE136 pressure relief valve ;
- Replace 2 non-regulation chlorination systems;
- Replace the bypass bar and install a safety valve on the tank of 7.1 m³;
- Replace the MASGE136 pressure relief valve;
- Install 2 surge control tanks to protect the "Boucle Seine".
56 Boulevard Denis Papin
53000 Laval
TEL.: +33 (0)2 43 59 13 40
FAX: +33 (0)2 43 56 91 72