56 Boulevard Denis Papin
53000 Laval
TEL.: +33 (0)2 43 59 13 40
FAX: +33 (0)2 43 56 91 72
Feljas & Masson played a comprehensive role in the project, providing design and definition studies of the equipment and commissioning the borewells. 45 wells were fitted out in very short time with pumps of 200 KW, at depths of roughly 150 m.
The population of Addis Ababa is growing by 3.8 % a year and in 2015, it was estimated to be 4.5 million. The capital suffers a chronic shortage of drinking water. With over 40 years' experience of operating in Ethiopia, Feljas & Masson was chosen by the AAWSA (Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority) to undertake emergency projects to increase the treatment capacity of surface water and the collection of groundwater. The Legedadi water treatment plant capacity was increased from 170,000 to 210,000 m³/day and 45 borewells of 200 KW were equipped.
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