Missions:Rehabilitation and extension of the Lagedadi water treatment plant which is Addis Ababa's main water resource, supplying water to more than 2 million inhabitants.
The F&M solution:This successful major rehabilitation project of the station that supplies 170,000 m³/day, and the design and construction of an extension to increase the supply by 40,000 m³/day has become a benchmark within Ethiopia's water treatment industry. F&M dealt directly with the AAWSA as a contractor. The project was financed by France, the World Bank and the Ethiopian government, and was co-contracted with a Chinese civil engineering partner.
Key data:The population of Addis Ababa is growing by 3.8 % a year and in 2015, it was estimated to be 4.5 million. The capital suffers a chronic shortage of drinking water. With over 40 years' experience of operating in Ethiopia, Feljas & Masson was chosen by the AAWSA (Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority) to undertake emergency projects to increase the treatment capacity of surface water and the collection of groundwater. The capacity of the Legedadi water treatment plant was increased from 170,000 to 210,000 m³/day and 45 borewells of 200 KW were equipped.