Missions:Provide expert advice on site with the participation of the F&M Algeria subsidiary. Make an inventory of the site and carry out a topographical study; evaluate the existing facilities, indicating any problems; carry out hydraulic and electrical assessments, provide recommendations then put them into practice. For environmental reasons (to ensure clean outflow to the sea), install additional mobile pumps while work is underway.
The F&M solution:The SEAAL initially awarded Feljas & Masson a contract to assess the condition of 11 pumping stations. Given the relevance of Feljas & Masson's technical and financial evaluations, the SEAAL entrusted the company, along with its Algerian partner, the contract to rehabilitate the stations. In order to optimize its operations, an Algerian subsidiary was created: a single-owner limited liability company, Feljas & Masson Algeria.
Key data:The Algerian state created the Société des Eaux et d'Assainissement d'Alger (SEAAL) in order to improve water supply and sanitation in Algiers, a metropolis with an estimated population of 4 million. SUEZ Environnement has been in charge of technical assistance for SEAAL for 10 years and asked Feljas & Masson to deliver a comprehensive range of services to rehabilitate and upgrade the 11 wastewater pumping stations.