Lanveur borewell:
- Pumping in the new borewell: 1 x borewell pump 25 m3/h, TDH 79.8 m
- 1 surge control tank (750 L)
Flescou plant:
- Creation of a new treatment building,
- Installation of a 100 m3 raw water storage tank,
- 2 reinjection pumps, flowrate 20 m3/h
- 1 injection of CO2,
- Remineralisation by limestone filtration on 1 all-stainless filter, diameter 2.8 m,
- 1 disinfection by chlorination,
- 1 pH adjustment by caustic soda injection,
- 2 storage tanks (caustic soda and bleach),
- Installation of a muddy water storage tank,
- Electricity, automation system and supervision